I hate myself sir...what should i do?

I hate myself sir...what should i do? . . Hello Giya… See it is simple. I will be very straight forward because I think you can understand. Ok listen. You are beautiful Giya. Actually you are the Beauty. I want you to know that. So you don’t let anyone to destroy this Beauty. Now-a-days we hardly find ‘a girl’. Girls are not girls, they are like boys. They destroy their beauty in being like boy or in being against boys. In both cases they end up losing their beauty. And the word ‘girl’ without beauty is meaningless. Like a body without soul. And till now you are a Girl. You are the only in the school who is real girl, who is having the real beauty. I want you to love yourself. Maximum girls realize this when some boy love them. But that is sometimes too late. So you have to love yourself. Your love will make you more beautiful. This world will be more beautiful beca...