Cost of Family...

 I also want a family but not at the cost of my freedom....
I want father's support and his strength in my arms but not at the cost of freedom to do anything on my own....
I want mother's love and her prayers in my destiny  but not at the cost of freedom to choose my destiny....
I want father's wisdom but not at the cost of freedom to ask for justification of that wisdom...
I want mother's food at dinner but not at the cost of freedom to being late at dinner...
I want father's hand patting on my back when i win but not at the cost of freedom to loose...
I want mother's comment on my looks but not at the cost of freedom to dont-care-about-looks feel...
I want father to help me to find out whats good and bad, not to tell me whats good and bad....
I want mother to throw me form hill to learn flying not to hide me in her wings in fear of loosing me...
I want father patting on my back when i loose...
I want mother kissing my forehead when i ask questions...
I want father to help me to face the outer world...
I want mother to help me to face my inner world...
I want father to make me think not to make me follow...
I want mother to teach me to love everyone, not to teach me accountability...
I can't see a drunk father beating his child...
I can't see a helpless mother crying in the corner...
I dont like a father showing his failer to his child...
I dont like a mother showing his helplessness to his child...
A father cant make fun of his child's mistakes...
A mother cant make fun of his child's Love...
Every word of father should set his child in motion...
Every word of mother should set his child in peace...

A True father is a  ' True Teacher'
A True mother is a ' True Doctor'....


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