What is after the 1st position? (Aimlessness)

“Next question please” first time he skipped the moment.
He saw one more raised hand, the hand of a girl with two bangles, whose sound is very familiar to him. The frequency of this sound seems to match with the frequency of his heart beat… she was Shona. She started speaking as his eyes asked her, “Kabir, I don’t know what wrong is happening with me from last two months. Two months before, I was having a target; my M.D entrance exam. For last 5 years, I was having that target, it kept me working, it kept me moving. It never let me feel tired; it never let my passion left my body. But now I am aimless, now I don’t jump up from bed when I wake up in the morning, now I keep lying in bed without sleep. The work, I used to do as a prayer- treating my patients, now I can’t focus on that also. Now it also seems a burden to me. That target left a vacant space inside me. I don’t find anything that much worth to fill it. I know I need to set a new target but problem is, there is nothing that I want to achieve, there is no place where I want to go. And the problem is I am neither sad nor happy.”
“Shona!” he called her name like he knew her from years. According to a research, it is possible to know that how close you are to a person, how much understanding is there between both of you and from how long you both know each other and funny thing is from how long you didn’t see each other, just in the way they call other’s name… your emotions can be seen in the way you speak. He continued, “Listen Shona, there is a disease in psychology called P.O.D (Post-Olympic depression). It is named after the Olympic players who got depressed after hitting their target. After setting a new world record, on next morning, they don’t know what to do.  From last 9 or 10 years every morning they get up to set a new world record. On this morning, this is done. Their 10 years are done in the one day. They are seeing their 10 years in one day which is gone. Only a medal is hanging on their wall. They are done with what they wanted to do. Now they are aimless like you, just like you, they can’t find anything worth to fill that space. But their condition is worse than you. Because you still know what your work is. The work; which you used to do as a prayer.” He was looking at her and talking to her like there was no one else between them, indeed, there were hundred more students who were continuously listening to them and trying to understand what Kabir was talking about, also trying hard to understand what was going between Kabir and Shona. They were exchanging something other than words, thoughts, and looks…
Shona kept listening with two hundred eyes staring at her and Kabir continued speaking without caring about two hundred eyes which shifted on his face from Shona’s face when he started speaking. “Shona listen, if you were my student I would simply tell you to set a new target or to have a new aim and work on that. But you are not a student anymore, you are already having your work. Sunno dhyan se, ek age or ek stage ke baad bando ke aim nhi hote hai, bando ke pass kaam hote hai… (Listen carefully, after a stage or an age, people don’t have aim, they have their work only…). From your childhood, you are told that you should have aim, and the aim is very important in life. That is why you think aimless life is not worth. That’s why you are feeling incomplete… now listen to me with that much care that what I told you in three minutes can replace the belief of ten years…” She did the same… she was cured in a single moment; she got it what he was trying to say… she could feel the importance of work, and also what was the importance of aim… 
In student life, ‘aim’ is important to keep them moving. But it is not something you can live upon… it is for a short time period, for whole life, You need a work, which you can do without even payment. The work which you can do without waiting for Sunday… this is the sole reason for the success of any business… if you love your business enough not to care about profit and loss, then no one can’t stop it to be big… if we believe one of Indian god Shri Krishana, he mentioned in ‘the gita’ that if you failed even after doing whatever is needed to be done to do anything then go back and check your soul intentions… according to him ‘intentions’ does matter…


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